This curricular activity contributes to the student graduate profile by carrying out practical, interdisciplinary activities aimed at developing the initial level of competence and creating a space for interdisciplinary pedagogical discussion. As its name suggests, this stage specifically focuses on the development of the personal identity axis (being) of the teacher in training as established in the Pedagogical Practices Line (Page 15) of the School of Pedagogy at the University of Los Lagos.
This curricular activity will be mainly developed through practical activities, with the purpose of enabling the teacher in training to reflect on the processes of interaction and group management in the classroom and their impact on learning. To achieve this, the teacher must identify and analyze pedagogical practices and personal factors that influence them. Aspects that promote interactive, cooperative, and collaborative learning are considered, based on the roles of teachers and students in the classroom and interaction techniques within it.
LO1 Identifies and analyzes factors and personal variables of teachers and the effect of these on pedagogical interventions.
LO2 Recognizes through an initial critical reflection, personal factors and personal variables that could affect the quality of pedagogical interventions, in the determination of favorable learning climates or environments, and in the personal and social development of their students.
Video analysis
Personal development workshop
Field trip (school and/or rural kindergartens of difficult access)
Personalized logbook
HOURS: 2 hours of lecture per week | 1 hours of independent work